

Living in the west as we do, we have tumbling tumbleweeds.  Last year some came rolling across our property. They left a few trails of seeds and with all the rain we've been having they've been having a grand ole time.
Last Saturday morning we picked tumbleweeds.

Some places, there would be just one scattered here and there.

Other places they were thick and heavy.  Get 'em while they're young.  Before they start to scatter more seeds.  How come they are so romantic sounding in stories and songs but in real life they are so miserable... 

 They were in this tree area....

And scattered through this open area. Our property goes a little past those trees you see across that dirt. It was daunting.

Bill and his cowboy hat and me and my sombrero picked tumbleweeds.
Bill said we picked HUNDREDS of them.

Pretty sure we picked a bushel....

....and a peck.

But there probably isn't a market for them, alas.