
Barley?!?, iPhone Tricks, Salad, A Grandfish, and Purging Plans

For the last couple of years Bill has been trying to figure out if he has some sort of gluten intolerance. It would seem like after eating bread sometimes he wouldn't feel good. So I tried making homemade bread for awhile and he said it was better but not completely. He knew he wasn't celiac because he didn't really have any of the other symptoms. Then one day, my daughter told me to read the ingredients on the bag of flour.

Say what? Flour is wheat flour! Not! If you look on the front of the bag, it never mentions wheat.

I never, ever thought to read the ingredients! Bill has always been super sensitive to barley and oats. AHA! There are some flours that only contain wheat. Some organic, some store brands. But this is the one I started buying now.....

10 lbs for under $5.00 at Walmart. And it absolutely solved the problem! Sometimes little things are BIG things.

Awhile back I updated my phone and it was trying to tell me something about 'tips'. Well, last week I finally read them and I found out the coolest thing! 

Sometimes in the evening I like to kick back and read for awhile. If I don't have a book it's often Apartment Therapy on my phone. I tried the new tip out that night.

So much easier to read and I didn't have to worry about scrolling and accidentally bumping one of those annoying web ads.

This tip was awesome too!

The pictures on the phone are so small and if I tried to expand it, oftentimes it would reload the whole article. Or load up an ad. Argh! This feature helps a lot. You can move it around the picture. And if you click on that oval on the bottom you have more options. (the top option is how you close the magnifying glass).

While reading my old 1951 Betty Crocker cookbook I came across this delightful salad recipe from one of their delightful visitors and as the ingredients go on, it gets more and more delightful!!

Oh yum!


I have an accomplishment to brag on.....

I babysat my grandfish for 21 days and he survived!!!!!

I had a few stresses worrying I would forget to feed him but things were going on swimmingly until one morning I woke up to.....  

 Foamy bubbles!!!!!
 I was so wigged out just certain he had a disease and would surely die any second. Thankfully there is now Bing to search during such emergencies!

I had a crash course on beta fish and found out it's completely normal and means the fish is HAPPY. Actually, he was hoping to attract a mate....

Here he is! Boomer the fish- alive and well!

It's June - so that means it's time for another purge! It felt so good to do it last January I decided it needs to get done twice a year.  I went through my house and made a list of target areas and then sort of fit them into my regular Fly Lady schedule.

From Apartment Therapy.....
This will be my inspiration this time. Especially the last sentence:
If it doesn't make your life easier or bring you joy, lose it!