
Stick A Fork In It! ... Kitchen: Before and Afters

She's Done!!!

Well, good enough!
All that's left is grouting along the toe kicks and caulking along the cupboards where they meet the walls. I'm sorry this post might take awhile to load because I took a ton of before and after pictures.

Notice the raised ceiling!

See how my kitchen was such a cave with that dropped ceiling?

I always had to use the end of this counter to roll out pie crusts and such and I ALWAYS whacked my head on the corner of that hanging cupboard- maybe my head can have a chance to heal now!

(We are still working on painting the walls.)

And the whole she-bang...

Woot woot! I so so love it!
Right now I have that Coke sign hanging to fill in that empty space but SOMEDAY I would like some open shelves there. I also need to figure out a color scheme and put some decorations out- that will be like frosting on the cake!
Soon I will do a post about the specific things about my new kitchen- that will be another picture heavy post because there are lots of things I love!
UPDATE: Here is the link to my kitchen details/favorite things post