
Some Thoughts On Buying New Furniture

Ironically, that old family room furniture we just sold was one of the very few things we have ever bought new. And they were on a really good clearance from Copenhagen because they were floor models. We got them about eight years ago.

When our kids were small I refused to buy anything new or spend too much money even if it was used. Not that I thought my kids would just wreck it but because they are just kids and things happen. Bill would sometimes complain that out furniture was so 'junky'.  I told Bill I never wanted something in my house that was more important than our kids. It was their house too and I wanted them to feel welcome and comfortable in it. And not feel that they couldn't sit on some things or even not be allowed to go in certain rooms. I especially didn't want to lose my temper at them for what was an accident. That's why, even now, if I want to buy something new, I will buy leather or washable things. Like our new couch. Because accidents happen to big people too!

And I have grandchildren, family, friends, and two cats. They are all welcome to use the furniture freely. Of course the kids shouldn't eat ice cream sandwiches on furniture, but a toddler may forget. I'm sure they will jump on the new couch at some point and I'm sure the cushions will come off.
Them's just the facts.

I heard many years ago about a study that said children need to hear something around five thousand times before they remember it. For instance, "Shut the door." 5,000 times. Now add in: Eat food in the kitchen, Put your garbage in the trash, Wash your hands, If you take it out- put it away, etc., etc. It's so hard to remain patient and you can't help but ask yourself  "Am I just talking to the walls or can anyone hear me?"

I saw this in Apartment Therapy the other day and it reminded me WHY I like things washable.

That excerpt is from this article: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/dont-forget-these-design-truths-217340

I have a very clear memory of one time hearing strange little popping noises coming from my girls' room. I looked in their room. They were sitting on the bare mattress (I had stripped the bed linens to wash) and they were gripping ball point pens in their fists and they were stabbing holes in their mattress. !!!!

I asked, "Why? Why did you wreck your mattress???" and got the typical shrugs. I asked even though I already knew WHY. I had heard the WHY from down the hall. It sounded cool. *sigh* But I remember their shrugs and their faces looking so confused. They were only 2 and 3 years old; they didn't know they were wrecking a mattress. So I showed them the smooth part of the mattress and then the holey area and explained that those holes will now be there forever. And I remember their sweet little contrite hands trying to smooth out the holes....

That memory reminded me of this:

You see this goblet? For me, this glass is already broken. I enjoy it. I drink out of it. It holds my water admirably, sometimes even reflecting the sun in beautiful patterns. If I should tap it, it has a lovely ring to it. But when I put this glass on a shelf and the wind knocks it over, or my elbow brushes it off the table and it falls to the ground and shatters, I say, "Of course." When I understand that this glass is already broken, every moment with it is precious. Every moment is just what it is, and nothing need be otherwise.
-Stephen and Ondrea Levine

Their philosophical outlook made me laugh. The article this quote came from is good too. Click here to read of his experience with their new dog: It Had Always Been Torn To Shreds

I don't remember my kids ever intentionally destroying things. It just happens. Especially when they would get too carried away playing. There's a reason why it's called roughhousing. It's pretty hard on houses....

Another distinct memory: I have no idea what my kids had done but I remember I burst out in full blown tears and wailed, "I guess I just can't have anything nice at all. You kids are just going to wreck everything!" I must have looked ridiculous or else made them nervous because my kids burst out laughing. I had to walk away.

Heh. That makes me think of this mom's blog post. (Thanks Mikayla for sharing this blog awhile back!)
I laughed and howled at this:

Mrs Diaz also has a FB page: https://www.facebook.com/chewingcrayons

And a blog: http://chewingcrayons.com/