
Celebrating The Agave

I am typically a tight wad. I do not like spending money- especially on NEW things. So this feels like a big SPLURGE. That's why it takes me so long to finish things. I also don't like to buy anything because I'm still trying to get rid of stuff! So if I do, I need to be SURE it will work and it's something I really, REALLY want and love. And that I will like it for many years to come.

It especially feels big because I also recently went to Hobby Lobby- for the first time in FIVE YEARS! It is about 38 miles of city driving away from me! Good thing I live out here, in "the back end of yonder" LOL! I love that store. I found a few things there that will help me to finish my 'Arizona Wall' in the family room. But I'm still working on it so that has to wait.

Now presenting....

The new agave picture!
I am so in love with it.
And so glad that Bill gave me the encouragement to "Just get it!" when I told him I had been agonizing over buying it for months!

For a refresher, here is the wall above the couch 'before'....

The new picture is so beautiful!

I took another picture later in the day- it's so fun how pictures change in different lighting.

I also moved these two down to tie in more with the end table rather than floating randomly on the wall. The indian drawing was made by my son when he was in elementary school and the coppery leaves were my Taimi Grandma's.

And onto the family room.....

Here is the 'before'....

And now my new mirror!
(my AZ wall is a big mess right now so that's why you are only seeing this side hee hee!)

This mirror is perfect! It brings the warmth of wood and an oval shape, plus- it adds some reflective light to a darker corner. With that wood frame, I don't feel the need to add wood planks on the walls anymore. So, in the long run, this mirror was a whole lot cheaper than spending all that money and time on wood! (And I would have had to paint them white anyway- totally defeats the purpose- it only would have added texture.)

I took the mirror out in the bright, bright sunlight to take some pictures. (That corner that it hangs in has terrible lighting.)

You can see the detail of the wood here, but it really isn't that light of a color. The sunlight just makes it appear that way.

I am so excited to finally have found solutions for my decorating trouble spots!