
Decorating Rut Solved

I have been following along with The Apartment Therapy's January cure. They have a lot of clutter reducing tips I like. (I haven't been following their cleaning schedule, though. ;) Still doing FLY Lady)

Anyway, I read this:

Apartment Therapy The January Cure: Assignment 5

And in the article it said:
Do a Mini-Meditation
Find a spot in your home that you rarely (maybe never!) sit in that gives you a view on a room or area that you feel is especially problematic. Take a seat on a chair (or the floor) and just observe for ten minutes.
I right away knew it had to be my living room. Something just feels wrong in there but I have been stuck, stuck, stuck.

 All is fine this way.....

I especially like above the organ.

The color combinations and the mixture of all different types of stuff- it just speaks to me!

Then I went and stood by the front door and looked around.

Okay. That's the problem. The wall above the couch. BLAH. Way too boring. I had found prints and shoved them into frames to make a collage to fill the space but it obviously was not working....
I was standing there staring at it trying to think.
I remembered an agave picture that I saw online from World Market that I have been drooling over for months. In fact, I even tried to convince my daughter to buy it for her new house. I quickly asked her if they had decided to buy it or not. The answer was...NOT. Yahoo!
The reason I had resisted buying it was because I already have a prickly pear picture I had made- way back in the day when my living room was blue and I wanted to get more green in there....

Then Bill wanted to paint all the walls in the house white and after, that picture looked awful in there.

I moved it to the family room.
 It looked a little odd so I painted this old 'thing-a-ma-jig'...
....green and hung it above the prickly pear.

It helped, but it still felt off. Then I was thinking I would like to plank the walls on either side of the fireplace but I hesitated because if I had to paint them white..... would it even help? (I am still working on an 'Arizona Wall' to the right of the fireplace- yes, it looks a bit odd right now!)
I had been wanting the agave picture to replace the prickly pear but it is SQUARE. It wouldn't fit in that space at all. But, now I know the agave must go in the living room! Perfect! It will even bring more green into the living room!
But. Now I had a problem in the family room. I needed to get rid of that old one now. I didn't want to have two cactus pictures on canvas....
I had to go into town one day so I stopped in at World Market and found a mirror. That solved EVERYTHING.
So I went online and ordered the agave picture. I'm so excited!  I might not get any more work done around here because I will be watching out the window for the UPS truck. :))))