
The Lying Liar Watermelon Packet and Other Garden Tales

Here is the seed packet. Looking all sweet and delicious.

Here is the description.
"Round 8-10 lb. fruits are easy to grow and store.
COMPACT VINES are easy to harvest."
But that part about COMPACT VINES is a LIE.


These thing grow like wild things.
At first I was directing the vines but all of a sudden?

They have escaped everywhere and are covering the exterior garden fence and are now aiming for the tree...

They have a gazillion melons. Growing on the ground and up every fence.

When they are ripe they will weigh 8 to 10 lbs...... O_o
Just how strong are their vines.... Guess we'll find out. I may have to rig up a support for each melon. But at the same time, it seems if they climb things because they are vines...they should support their fruit???

And the packet said- "Grow up to sixteen plants!" Good thing I only planted 6- of which 5 came up. It seems like each vine is growing 16 watermelons!!!!! Next thing you know, they will start attacking the house.....


....the corn is all harvested. And on the other side....

...everything is doing fine! The neighbor girls' cucumbers are exploding too!

The cosmos are almost as high as my shoulders and the sunflowers are getting heavy with seeds.
Normally by now I would have cut the sunflowers down and just saved the seed heads for the birds but I'm thinking of just trimming all of the leaves off and using the stalks as poles for the peas. I thought it would be fun to try that this year.

I have a mystery plant.
The neighbor girls planted lemon cucumbers and we have harvested many. But they had some more seeds they planted but they can't remember what they were....

Here is some of the fruit just starting.
They are a pale greenish yellow with little black dots.
Can anyone identify these?
And whatever they are.... there are going to be lots and lots and lots soon.

This is what I have been busy with lately though...

Planning my fall garden!
I need to prepare the corn patch and start planting stuff in the next week or so- all the way to the end of August. I have never planted a fall garden before so I'm pretty excited to try it!