
Chipmunk Update

Last Friday I reached the end of my rope with chipmunks. Nothing was working on getting rid of them so I decided to try The Bucket of Doom. I merrily set up my bucket and baited it with sunflower seeds. No chipmunks came near it. In fact, I didn't see chipmunks anywhere. I was puzzled and thinking, HOW DID THEY KNOW that I was trying to kill them off. I just figured that it was just like as soon as you pull out the flyswatter, all the flies disappear. Then on Sunday my grandsons were over so for safety, I emptied the bucket.

Then it all came clear. 

On Monday evening Bill heard something in the carport. Behind the metal sheet that will be for making a chimney cap WAS A....

Diamondback rattlesnake.
Aha! That's what scared all of the chipmunks off! Maybe he even ate one.

He was quite fat. Guess the eating has been good around here.

Here is another picture of him in the sun.
You can really see how they blend in with the ground.
If you don't keep your eyes peeled you might step on one.

So guess what? Bright and early yesterday morning,
Thinking evil, happy thoughts, I went and got the bucket again.

The chipmunks like to eat the leaves from the flowers right behind the bucket. And they like to go on this bench too so I decided to use that instead of making a ramp.

Come on little chippies! Come get some yummy sunflower seeds!
 Heh heh heh. :))))