
It's 2019!

A fresh new year with endless possibilities. 

In the past, I've frequently tried to choose a word to focus on in the new year. This year I really struggled. I was reading THIS SITE and trying to narrow it down and I just couldn't. Only ONE WORD???? I need lots of words. And color. And cheerfulness....

So this is what I came up with. 

Everything kind of falls under three categories. A lot of the things I have chosen I started incorporating last year and I just kept them because they are important to me and I want to focus on still.


Continue setting aside time to be creative every day but this year I want to add in painting.


Plan out some time on the calendar for exploring in the jeep, going on short road trips with our camper, and pick a new area of the U.S. to fly to and then drive around and explore for a week.
 Setting specific limits for how much time I spend in the internet.
 Continue eating lots of fresh vegetables and also continue my new passion of finding lots of new recipes to make that are fresh and healthy.


Two parts on "just do it"- stop procrastinating about chores and also to not be scared to challenge myself with new things to learn/try.
Continue working on making my muscles stronger.
Talk nicely to myself and focus on the things I have done instead of what I didn't get done that day.

And minimalism will continue to be big.

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